
RackMonkey 1.2.4 Troubleshooting

RackMonkey 1.2.4 Documentation Index

RackMonkey Version 1.2.4
©2004-2008 Will Green (wgreen at users.sourceforge.net)
Licensed under the GNU Public Licence v2.

RackMonkey Won't Run

If you get an 'Internal Server Error' or the web server displays the text of rackmonkey.pl (rather than executing it), check your web server error log. Common reasons for RackMonkey failing to run are:

Missing Graphics and Stylesheet

If the RackMonkey script runs, but the graphics and stylesheet are missing, you should check the wwwpath setting in rackmonkey.conf.

Missing Database

If you get an error of the form:

DBI connect('dbname=/data/rack.db','',...) failed: unable to open
database file(1) at dbdimp.c line 94 at /content/rackmonkey.pl line 45 

Check your config to ensure you have the right database path in DBDCONNECT.

Unable to Edit/Create Entries

If RackMonkey is able to display entries without issue, but when you try to create or edit an entry you get a message similar to the following:

...unable to open database file(1)...
...attempt to write a readonly database(1)...

You should check the permission on the SQLite database file and the directory in which it resides. The web servers needs to be able to write to the file and the directory. This error can only occur when using SQLite, as other databases engines don't make direct use of files in the same way.

Permission Denied for Relation table

If you're using Postgres and get an error of the form:

...permission denied for relation <table>...

You haven't granted appropriate permissions to the role (a user in Postgres speak) you're using to connect to the database. Try running a command of the form in psql:

GRANT ALL ON <table>,<table>_id_seq to <role>;

Where <role> is the role you're using to connect from RackMonkey, and <table> is the relation mentioned in the error message.

RackMonkey 1.2.4 Documentation Index